Vehicle Servicing - Mollard Motors Nantwich are able to service Cars and Light Commercial Vehicles.
Brakes - Mollard Motors Nantwich are able to fit and service brakes for Cars and Light Commercial Vehicles at great value prices.
Tyres - Through our partnerships with various suppliers, Mollard Motors Nantwich are able to provide almost any kind of tyre for any Car or Light Commercial Vehicle. Why not give a call and test us.
Exhausts - As a major part of the tax calculations and ongoing running costs to a vehicle, it is important to ensure that your exhaust is not costing you or the planet. Mollard Motors Nantwich are able to inspect, repair and replace exhausts on most Cars and Light Commercial Vehicles
Oil & Filter - With the amount of usage that modern day life requires of a vehicle it is important to ensure that your car or Light commercial vehicle has what it needs to remain efficient and not let you down. Come to Mollard Motors Nantwich for a change of engine oil and filter to make sure your vehicle does not let you down.